Restoration News

We invite you to take a step back in time and experience Havre’s exciting history, from our wild and wooly days through it’s refinement during the early twentieth century, and its progress through the mid-twentieth century. Our Historic Havre Strolls and History Among the Headstones Tours are worth your time and offers insight into Havre’s history you will not get at any other historic site in town. Our tours are carefully researched for accuracy, with the truth always more interesting than fiction!
We also offer two popular local history books, photographs and research services. We will be releasing the first of our DVD series of Havre’s history in 2020. Please check back for details!
We invite you to celebrate National Historic Preservation Month in May and Living History in June with us!
We have the highest possible standards, and we achieve those high standards with every tour we conduct, every tea party and dining experience we offer, every research project we contract, and every book we publish. We are proud to be the high standard bearer of area history and proud of the work we accomplish. You will not find better tours about Havre and Hill County’s history anywhere!
Havre Historic Tours and More (formerly High Line Heritage Resources) is a proud member of the Havre Convention and Visitors Bureau, Friends of the Conrad Mansion, Museums Association of Montana, Montana Historical Society, Montana Ghost Town Preservation Society, Hands of Harvest, National Women’s History Museum, the National Trust for Historic Preservation, Havre Main Street, and the Havre Chamber of Commerce.
We Also Offer
Celebrate National Historic Preservation Month 2020 throughout the month of May with us! Plans are underway for next year’s celebration. The preservation of our history is at the heart of what we do, so come celebrate our shared heritage with us. We are proud to be the pioneers of this event, starting in 1999 with the creation of the original Havre/Hill County Historic Preservation Award, which we still offer and is under our trademark. Please check back for next year’s schedule of events.
In conjunction with Living History in June 2020, we will be offering our new Tragedy and Tears History Among the Headstones Tour. Please check back for details. Cost for the tour is $10 for adults, $5 for children 6-12 and children under 5 are free with accompanying adult.
Our popular tea parties carry on Mrs. Boone’s tradition of gracious hospitality in an elegant and intimate setting. Please check our website for future planned events, or if you wish to host your own small gathering, please call us and we can discuss the possibilities! We are proud to be the first to revive silver (fundraising) tea parties in Havre-we’re so good, others have followed our lead, but fall far short of our high standards.
Miss Emily is a Certified Tea and Etiquette Consultant and offers Tea and Etiquette classes for those interested in the gentle art of taking tea. Please contact us for more information and to set up your course, tailored for adults who wish to expand their knowledge of this time-honored, elegant tradition.
The Cottage, the affectionate name of the historic Boone/Dalrymple home, is one of only a precious handful of homes in Havre that has experienced Christmas during three centuries: the nineteenth, twentieth and now the twenty-first. We may revive this event in the future; please check back for details.
Specialty Tours
We offer specialty tours on occasion. Past offerings included English Cream Tea Strolls and Wine and Hors d’oeuvres Strolls. Please check back for future special events!
About Our Curator
Miss Emily Ann Mayer is a member of one of Hill County’s oldest families. Her love for Havre and Hill County history started during her childhood, fostered by her family and friends who were aware of Miss Emily’s love for her hometown’s history and passion for its historic buildings. She attended Havre Public Schools and is a Havre High School graduate. She earned her Associate of Science in Business Administration Degree from Montana State University-Northern, and later that year earned the Outstanding Young Montanan Award from the Montana JayCees, due in no small part to her efforts in preserving local history. She has earned a certificate from the Asheford Institute of Antiques (2008), is an official certified Tea and Etiquette Consultant through the Dorothea Johnson Tea and Etiquette Masterclass (2009) and has successfully earned a ServSafe Certificate for Managers (2015).
Miss Emily’s resume of local history and historic preservation accomplishments is impressive. She guided tours of Havre Beneath the Streets and Wahkpa Chu’gn Buffalo Jump and managed the Clack Museum for several years and was hired in March 2018 to manage the Clack Museum and Buffalo Jump; served on the Clack Museum Foundation during the historic old Havre post office Heritage Center project; served on the Fort Assinniboine Preservation Association board and guided tours of that historic site for many years, as well as participating in the Old Forts Trail Association and has now returned to both groups; dependably served Hill County on the Russell Country Tourism Board of Directors (now Central Montana Tourism) for seven years; served on the Havre Chamber Tourism Committee for several years and chaired the committee multiple times; and was instrumental in creating the Havre Historic Preservation Commission, generously volunteering her time as Historic Preservation Officer and successfully included Hill County in the Commission before resigning her position after five years of dedicated service. Miss Emily subsequently took her love of local history and historic preservation and founded Havre Historic Tours and More (formerly High Line Heritage Resources) so she could focus on her tours, write local history books and accomplish other goals she set for her business, and Havre and Hill County have benefitted tremendously due to her tireless efforts. Miss Emily writes a local history column for the Havre Daily News and has contributed historical information for The Havre Herald online newspaper. She hosts the Havre Area History Almanac broadcast on KNMC 90.1 FM and serves as Secretary for the Havre Convention and Visitors Bureau. She is a member of the Havre Chamber of Commerce and has served on the Legislative, Business Development and Events Committees. Miss Emily loves working on preserving local history, especially her two historic homes, and has dedicated her life to what she loves doing for the community.
"Those who do not preserve the past, cannot teach the future. A picture is a poor substitute for the real building or site. Once history is gone, it is gone for good, and we need to save what little we have left, so the future may learn from the past. I believe it is very important, and I have made it my life's work to preserve Hill County, Montana's history where and when I can!"
Our Vision
Our Vision: We will continue to serve as the leading and trusted source of and for the preservation of Havre, Hill County, Montana’s history and be an active participant in tourism and cultural activities.
Our Mission
Our Mission: We are leaders in local history and historic preservation and provide the best tours, research, publications, productions, and cultural/commemorative events in Hill County, Montana, with the ultimate goal the preservation and restoration of the historic Mathews and Boone/Dalrymple homes and desired house museum for the community.
Our History
High Line Heritage Resources was founded by Miss Emily Ann Mayer. She started by offering three different Historic Havre Strolls of the Havre Residential Historic District, modeled after her successful 2001 self-guided walking tour map of the same area. The following year, she added Old Downtown Havre tours to her offerings, as well as a combination Old Townsite/Downtown tour. In 2010, History Among the Headstones Tours of local cemeteries was included, furthering Miss Emily’s love and passion for all things historic in Havre, Hill County, Montana.
Miss Emily’s dream of 27 years was finally realized during Hill County’s Centennial year-a house museum for her beloved hometown! The High Line Heritage House Museum opened its doors in the historic Boone/Dalrymple home, her circa 1895 Victorian era home affectionately referred to as The Cottage. With that, the revival of traditional tea parties was started in Havre, as well as Christmas At The Cottage in December.
2016 to Present
Miss Emily’s goals have long been to restore the historic Mathews and Boone/Dalrymple homes. In 2016, the High Line Heritage House Museum was moved to the neighboring historic Mathews home, a “diamond in the rough”. However, in 2019 she decided to suspend tours indefinitely so she can concentrate on preservation, restoration and rehabilitation efforts this precious, irreplaceable Havre historic treasure desperately needs. It’s potential and Miss Emily’s ideas are endless! She has also embarked on a long-held goal of producing DVDs of her tours and other Havre and Hill County historic subjects, along with writing more local history books and guidebooks. Projected release of the first DVD is slated for 2020. Also in 2019, the name was changed to Havre Historic Tours and More to better reflect what her business is about. Miss Emily continues to give her visitors high quality and entertaining tours of early Havre as well as sharing her passion and dream of restoring both her historic homes to their former glory for future generations to study and enjoy.