Yes, I said “snack set”! Snack sets get a bum rap. Some people absolutely hate them, equating them with old lady luncheons at a church function. Not so! These little relics of the post-World War II era deserve some respect, and I’m on a mission to do just that. I even have a Facebook page if you’re interested-Vintage Snack Sets.
My Grandma O’Donnell had a set of Homestead snack sets. Also marketed under Hospitality, it enjoyed a long run. It has a lovely wheat-style pattern gracefully curving around the snack tray. You could buy the set with a tea/coffee cup, or a stemmed tumbler for a cocktail.
The sets below are not my Grandmother’s. I came across the 2 sets at a local thrift store, with “Ray Watson” written on the boxes. I knew Mr. Watson, he was my Government teacher in High School, a former Mayor of Havre and the best friend of my good friend Lou Lucke. So of course I had to have the sets! Some of the plates were chipped, but that’s OK. I put the sets out for an exhibit in 2014 to celebration Women’s History year, and put out books I’m sure Mrs. Boone would have read with her women friends. She and they were instrumental in creating the Havre Library.
The flatware is so neat-Log Cabin by Ruff Hewn. There’s a tiny cabin on the handles (Herberger’s). The centerpiece is my crystal compote made in Western Germany and two crystal baskets flanking the compote, all thrift store finds.