With the heat, the Chautauqua just ending, harvest still in full swing and the upcoming Labor Day weekend, there really wasn’t much in The Havre Plaindealer’s August 25, 1917 issue. Wheat crops were paying well, but warnings were issued to safeguard next year’s crop due to the war effort.
One of the things I love most about the Havre area is the incredible diversity of its citizens. People from all over the world joined American Indians whose ancestors had lived here for centuries to create the largest and greatest city on Montana’s Hi Line, and each brought their own customs with them. Sadly, many of these customs have gone on the wayside. This is too bad. The following article was in the Plaindealer’s issue and I sure wish I could have attended this event!
“On last Sunday the Italians of Havre held a monster celebration in the east end of town near the fair grounds, in honor of their most respected saint, San Roix.
“There were about 400 Italians, men and women present, besides a large delegation from the city, who witnessed the performance and listened to the music.
“There were innumerable colored balloons and fire works, also a wonderfully decorated altar. John Carrella, a local Italian, had charge of the decorations and the balloon making. Rev. Parisi had charge of the religious part of the entertainment. The services were wonderfully impressive and were a loyal contribution to a nationally observed occasion.
“The affair closed with a sumptuous feast befitting the occasion.”
Reading this reminds me of stories my dad and his brothers and sisters and my Grandma Mayer used to talk about years ago. The East End was full of all kinds of immigrant families and everyone knew one another. I wish I would have listened better!
One social event was reported in the Society section and the rest were weddings.
“Sunday Outing.
“Mrs. Wallace Woodward gave a dinner Sunday at her ranch home near Havre, in honor of Mrs. J. Sieverson, of Rosalia, Wash., who is visiting here. Mr. and Mrs. Julius Heath, and daughter Ona, and Miss Hall of Havre were invited guests. Mesdames Heath and Sieverson are sisters of Mrs. Woodward.
“A pretty home wedding was solemnized at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Chase Saturday evening, August 18th when Miss Ethel E. Morris became the bride of Mr. Walter Criplean. Rev. J. T. Moody officiated, performing the double ring ceremony. The groom was dressed in the conventional black and the bride in white satin and chiffon. A very elaborate and elegant wedding supper was served at 8 o’clock.
“The bride and groom are well known and very popular in Grain Belt and Havre and they have the best wishes of their many friends.
“Mrs. Criplean was formerly a teacher in Wisconsin and came to Havre to spend her vacation with her cousins Mr. and Mrs. Chase. Mr. Criplean is engaged in farming in the Grain Belt district where the young couple will be at home after September first.
“Married at Glasgow.
“On Tuesday of this week at Glasgow occurred the marriage of Mr. Jacob Van Alstine of Havre, and Miss Osa Spoonermore of Ravenwood, Mo. Mr. Van Alstine is an employ of the Great Northern railway at Havre. The young couple will make their home in Havre.
“The third wedding performed on Tuesday by Rev. P. H. Case was that of Dudley Arthur Jacobson of Great Falls and Miss Hazel Duncan also of Great Falls. The ceremony was witnessed by a small party of intimate friends who accompanied the couple from the Electric city. The newly weds will reside in Great Falls.
“On Monday of this week, Rev. P. H. Case performed the ceremony which united in marriage Mr. A. H. DeKnapp of Joplin, and Mrs. Jeannette Plant of Havre. The wedding was solemnized at the Presbyterian manse. The couple will reside in Joplin.
“On Tuesday evening at the Presbyterian parsonage occurred the marriage of Wm. J. Darby and Miss Vickie M. Trail of Genesee, Idaho. Rev. P. H. Case officiated. The young couple will be at home at Chester after a short wedding tour.
“On Thursday Judge W. B. Pyper solemnized the wedding of Jos. H. Ottensror of Saco, and Miss Marie Hamilton of Glasgow. The ceremony took place in the city court rooms. The couple left on No. 4 for their future home at Saco.”
Grain Belt was a small community north and slightly west of Havre. It didn’t have a post office, but it did have a school house which was host to many gatherings.
The Presbyterian manse/parsonage is located at 448 Third Avenue. It was constructed circa 1905, and was originally a smaller home but it was enlarged sometime between 1909 and 1920. It was used as the residence of the Presbyterian minister until the new manse, located at 711 Fourth Avenue, was built in 1917. This house was neat as it was one of the few-if not the only one-in Havre that still retained its front door and side service door, the service door being used for deliveries and the like. More than likely, the home got the second door during its expansion. Photographs I took in 2008 show both doors still in existence; by 2015 the north door had been covered over and with the addition of new siding, is now no longer there.