In The Havre Plaindealer’s issue of September 8, 1917, there was a follow up article on the front page about the send-off for soldiers given by the women of Havre:
“Not until Wednesday did the people realize the nearness or actuality of the European war, when Havre sent forth its first five percent of the men who are to make up Uncle Sam’s army for democracy and the right of the weak as well as the strong. The boys were entertained at luncheon and dinner preceding the day of departure, and when the train bearing them left the depot the platform was crowded with hundreds who bade God-speed in husky voices. The boys go to the training camp at American Lake, Washington.”
There was a lengthy article regarding Havre schools. School board members were making preliminary plans to establish a junior high school, primary grades were being reorganized, and the high school classes would be able to satisfy state requirements.
Havre farmers were being encouraged that the 1917 crop was “not a total failure” despite a drought. This would be the beginning of a prolonged dry spell and impending doom to crop prices in the future, unbeknownst to everyone involved.
Horse thieves were also active in Havre, making off with four horses from one resident north of Havre, and another horse was stolen while its owner was in a shop conducting business on the streets of Havre. The culprit, or culprits were unknown and the Sheriff was out looking for them, but suspected “a startling nature in connection with the matter”.
In the Society column, news was scant. Nevertheless, here are the two entries for this week:
“Visiting Son in City.
“Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hall are guests in Havre of their son, Attorney C. E. Hall. They have been touring Glacier Park, and arrived by auto from there Thursday. Mr. Hall is a member of the state railway commission.
“Visitor Honored.
“Mrs. J. W. Warren, who is the guest of her sister, Mrs. N. C. Abbott, in this city, was the honor guest at a bridge party given Wednesday afternoon by Mrs. H. S. Ross. A delightful afternoon was spent, and the following made up the guest list:
“Mesdames J. W. Warren, N. C. Abbott, Victor R. Griggs, A. M. Grimmer, Frank Jestrab, Ray Killingsworth, Tom Cronin, J. C. Benson, John Goodmanson, James Holland, Jr., Harry Withycombe and G. C. Christensen.”